nopCommerce 3.50
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 12:50 PM
Add a new product (back to product list)
  • Product Info
  • SEO
  • Pictures
  • Category mappings
  • Manufacturer mappings
  • Specification attributes
  • Product attributes
  • Tier prices
  • Discounts
  • Access control list
  • Stores
  • Related products
  • Cross-sells
  • Associated products
Choose your product type.:
Check it if you want this product to be visible in catalog or search results. You can use this field (just uncheck) to hide associated products from catalog and make them accessible only from a parent "grouped" product details page.:
Choose a product template. This template defines how this product will be displayed in public store.:
The name of the product.:
The short description of the product. This is the text that displays in product lists i.e. category / manufacturer pages:
The full description of the product.:
Admin comment. For internal use.:
Choose a vendor of this product. This can be useful if you're using multi-vendor functionality.:
Check to display this product on your store's home page. Recommended for your most popular products.:
Display order of the product. 1 represents the top of the list.:
Check to allow customers to review this product.:
Product tags are keywords that this product can also be identified by. Enter a comma separated list of the tags to be associated with this product. The more products associated with a particular tag, the larger it will show on the tag cloud.:
Product stock keeping unit (SKU). Your internal unique identifier that can be used to track this product.:
The manufacturer's part number for this product.:
Enter global trade item number (GTIN). These identifiers include UPC (in North America), EAN (in Europe), JAN (in Japan), and ISBN (for books).:

The price of the product.: [USD]
The old price of the product. If you set an old price, this will display alongside the current price on the product page to show the difference in price.: [USD]
The product cost is the cost of all the different components which make up the product. This may either be the purchase price if the components are bought from outside suppliers, or the combined cost of materials and manufacturing processes if the component is made in-house.: [USD]
Set a special price for the product. New price will be valid between start and end dates. Leave empty to ignore field.: [USD]
The start date of the special price in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).:
The end date of the special price in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).:
Check to disable the buy button for this product. This may be necessary for products that are 'available upon request'.:
Check to disable the wishlist button for this product.:
Check if this item is available for Pre-Order. It also displays "Pre-order" button instead of "Add to cart".:
The availability start date of the product configured for pre-order in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). 'Pre-order' button will automatically be changed to 'Add to cart' at this moment.:
Check to show "Call for Pricing" or "Call for quote" instead of price:
An option indicating whether customer should enter price.:
Enter a minimum amount.: [USD]
Enter a maximum amount.: [USD]

Check if this product requires that other products are added to the cart.:
Specify comma separated list of required product IDs. NOTE: Ensure that there are no circular references (for example, A requires B, and B requires A).:
Check to automatically add these products to the cart.:

Check if it is a gift card:
Select gift card type. WARNING: not recommended to change in production environment.:

Check if this product is a downloadable product. When a customer purchases a download product, they can download the item direct from your store by viewing their completed order.:
The download file.:
Use download URL:
Download URL:
Upload file:
When a customer purchases a download product, they can download the item unlimited number of times.:
The maximum number of downloads.:
The number of days during customers keeps access to the file (e.g. 14). Leave this field blank to allow continuous downloads.:
A value indicating when download links will be enabled.:
Check if the product has a user agreement.:
The text of the user agreement:
Check if this product has a sample download file that can be downloaded before checkout.:
The sample download file.:
Use download URL:
Download URL:
Upload file:

Check if this product is a recurring product.:
Enter cycle length.:
Select cycle period.:
Enter total cycles.:

Check if this is a rental product (price is set for some period). Please note that inventory management is not fully supported for rental products yet. It's recommended to set 'Manage inventory method' to 'Don't track inventory' now.:
Specify period length for rental product. Price is specified for this period.:
Specify period for rental product. Price is specified for this period.:

Determines whether the product can be shipped.:
Check if this product comes with FREE shipping.:
Check to mark a product as being able to be shipped by itself in a single box (separate shipment). This way shipping rates are calculated separately for this product regardless of what other products are also in the cart. Please note that if you have several quantities of this product in the cart, then all of them will be packed and shipped in a single box.:
The additional shipping charge.: [USD]
The weight of the product. Can be used in shipping calculations.: [lb(s)]
The length of the product.: [inch(es)]
The width of the product.: [inch(es)]
The height of the product.: [inch(es)]
Choose a delivery date which will be displayed in the public store.:

Determines whether this product is tax exempt (tax will not be applied to this product at checkout).:
The tax classification for this product. You can manage product tax classifications from Configuration : Tax : Tax Classes:
Check if it's telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic services. It's used for tax caclulation in Europe Union.:

Select manage inventory method. When enabled, stock quantities are automatically adjusted when a customer makes a purchase. You can also set low stock activity actions and receive notifications.:
Check if you want to support shipping and inventory management from multiple warehouses.:
Choose a warehouse which will be used when calculating shipping rates.:
Manage inventory per warehouse.: No warehouses defined
The current stock quantity of this product.:
Check to display stock availability. When enabled, customers will see stock availability.:
Check to display stock quantity. When enabled, customers will see stock quantity.:
If you have enabled 'Manage Stock' you can perform a number of different actions when the current stock quantity falls below (reaches) your minimum stock quantity.:
Action to be taken when your current stock quantity falls below (reaches) the 'Minimum stock quantity'.:
When the current stock quantity falls below (reaches) this quantity, a store owner will receive a notification.:
Select backorder mode.:
Allow customers to subscribe to a notification list for a product that has gone out of stock.:
Set the minimum quantity allowed in a customer's shopping cart e.g. set to 3 to only allow customers to purchase 3 or more of this product.:
Set the maximum quantity allowed in a customer's shopping cart e.g. set to 5 to only allow customers to purchase 5 of this product.:
Enter a comma separated list of quantities you want this product to be restricted to. Instead of a quantity textbox that allows them to enter any quantity, they will receive a dropdown list of the values you enter here.:
Check to allow adding to the cart/wishlist only attribute combinations that exist and have stock greater than zero. In this case you have to create all existing product attribute combinations that you have in stock.:

The start of the product's availability in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).:
The end of the product's availability in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).:
Check to publish this product (visible in store). Uncheck to unpublish (product not available in store).:
Meta keywords to be added to product page header:
Meta description to be added to product page header:
Override the page title. The default is the name of the product.:
Set a search engine friendly page name e.g. 'the-best-product' to make your page URL ''. Leave empty to generate it automatically based on the name of the product.:
You need to save the product before you can upload pictures for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can map categories for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can map manufacturers for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can add product specification attributes for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can add attributes for this page.
You need to save the product before you can add tier prices for this product page.
Sample discount with coupon code
Determines whether the product is subject to ACL (access control list).:
Select customer roles for which the product will be shown.:
Forum Moderators
Determines whether the product is available only at certain stores.:
Select stores for which the product will be shown.:
Your store name
You need to save the product before you can add related products for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can add cross-sell products for this product page.
You need to save the product before you can add associated products for this product page.
